Sudan University of Science and Technology Libraries system is one of the largest academic libraries in Sudan and consists of 20 libraries located on ten university campuses. The deanship of libraries Affairs is currently headed by Dr. Najat Ahmed Mohamed. The deanship consists of six departments: Beneficiaries Services Department, Group Management Department, Cataloging and Classification Department, Information Databases Department, Department of Digital Printing and Binding, Quality Control and Training Department.
Online Library Catalogue
Catalog of Sudan University of Science and Technology Libraries
Welcome to the Sudan University Libraries Index, which provides a number of services, searching for a book and knowing the library in which it is located and the number of copies available.
Proquest Online Databases
A database with varied content and coverage of Scientific journals in various fields, including medicine, science, technology and business, with thousands of videos on healthcare, psychology and nursing and other disciplines.
Research4life Online Databases
Research4Life provides institutions with online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content.
Sudan University of Science and Technology Digital Repository is an open access online service for the collection, preservation, and distribution of digital material. The service is aimed at allowing scholarly communication and digital preservation of the university’s legacy and intellectual output..
Research4Life has launched a new user portal for access to our content with improved features and functionality.
Research4Life now has a unified portal which contains the collections for all five programmes: Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI, GOALI. In addition, AGORA and ARDI have separate portals only for their own collections.